Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Best friends since i can even remember:]

k... so i promised devanne that i would write a post and dedicate it just to her! :] so here it goes..

ever since i can remember moving here from logan, devanne was always my friend! she actually was my very first best friend:] she was the one who talked me into asking my mom if i could go dance at vadels! we have danced together since we were in 2nd grade.. she did have a head start on me since she danced ever since she was 3! ha but anyways... i honestly dont think me and her have ever gotten in a fight.. and if we have it must have not been a very big one if i cant remember it! i have always looked up to dev after we had gotten to the age of pretty much knowing right from wrong! she has such high standards and knows exactly what she wants when she grows up and is going to stop at nothing to get it.. and i admire that so much! she has helped me be a better person and has if you want to say "bring me to the light." she has pushed me to want to be better and make it to my ultimate goal of going to the temple some day.. i know i have a long ways to go but she has never stopped helping me reach it! she is such an amazing young lady with such an amazing heart and lets just say a "bubbly personality" :] haha i know that no matter where life takes us.. we will always be friends and always be there for each other!:]

we litterally just took this picture before class started!:] ahah same hair!